Seminar on Research Results for Beginner Lecturers (PDP) DRPM Ristekdikti in 2019
Seminar on Research Results for Beginner Lecturers (PDP) DRPM Ristekdikti in 2019
Saturday, December 14, 2019, as many as 19 lecturers of the University of Buana Perjuangan attended the invitation to the seminar on results which took place at the University of Muhammadiyah Tangerang (UMT), precisely in the UMT Hall, Lt. 2 Jalan Pioneer Kemerdea I Babakan No. 33, RT 007/RW 003, Cikokol, Kec. Tangerang, Tangerang city, Banten.
The purpose of this activity as the scientific and academic responsibility of researchers in carrying out research that has been funded by LLDIKTI Region IV, has held a Seminar on the Results of the Implementation of Research for Beginner Lecturers in 2019.
Seminar on Research Results of Beginner Lecturers, which will be held in 12 locations:
3. Garut University
4. Tasikmalaya University of Struggle
8. STIE-Equity
9. UMT (Tangerang Muhammadiyah University)
12. University –Telkom
According to Prihati, M.Kom One of the Karawang UBP lecturers who was a participant in the PDP “Alhamdulillah Allah made everything easy for me and I was given the opportunity to be able to participate in the event, I thank the Pangkal Perjuangan Higher Education Foundation (YPPTPP) and all leaders UBP Karawang and friends of UBP Karawang lecturers, and I also don’t forget to thank LLDIKTI Region IV”. According to Prihati, M.Kom One of the UBP Karawang lecturers who was a participant in the PDP “Alhamdulillah, Allah made everything easy for me and I was given the opportunity To be able to participate in the event, I would like to thank the Pangkal Perjuangan Higher Education Foundation (YPPTPP) and all leaders of UBP Karawang and friends of UBP Karawang lecturers, and I also don’t forget to thank LLDIKTI Region IV”
Furthermore, he also added, “Hopefully in the future, more lecturers from UBP Karawang will receive grants. The spirit of researching friends of UBP Karawang lecturers. Best wishes for all of us. Amen yra”.
For all participants from the University of Buana Perjuangan Karawang, 19 people received an invitation to a seminar on results which took place at the University of Muhammadiyah Tangerang (UMT), precisely in the UMT Hall, Lt. 2 Jalan Pioneer Kemerdea I Babakan No. 33, RT 007/RW 003, Cikokol, Kec. Tangerang, Tangerang city, Banten.