Clinic On Writing International Scientific Journal

Karawang, November 19, 2017

Universitas Buana Perjuangan Karawang successfully held an International Seminar with the title Clinical On Writing International Scientific Journal, by presenting Prof. Basanta Kumar, M.Sc., Ph.D (UTKL UNIVERSITY INDIA), Prof. Rachidon Pamiloza Bernarte, Ph.D (POLYTEHNIC UNIVERSITY OF PHILIPINES), and Prof. Dr. H. M. Sidik Priadana., MS (UNIVERSITY OF PASUNDAN) seminar which was held on November 19, 2017 was attended by lecturers from UBP Karawang and lecturers from 2 other campuses namely STMIK Bina Insani and STIKES Kharisma.

The seminar, which was initiated by LPPM UBP Karawang, aims to improve the quality of research and scientific works that can penetrate international journal publications.

As stated by the Chancellor of UBP Karawang, Prof. Dr. H. Dedi Mulyadi SE. MM in the opening mandate of this seminar, that the permanent lecturers of UBP Karawang which consists of approximately 100 permanent lecturers, are required to make journals published in international journals, this is to support the improvement of the functional positions of lecturers from AA to Lector, as well as from Lector to Head Lector. .

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