Panel Discussion About “Indonesian Original Herbal Medicines”

Panel Discussion on “Indonesian Original Herbal Medicines”

Tuesday, January 7, 2020 One of the lecturers at the University of Buana Perjuangan Anggy Giri Prawiyogi, M.Pd has been one of the speakers in the Panel Discussion activity on “original Indonesian herbal medicine”. This activity was organized by PT Sidomuncul Semarang Indonesia. Participated by vocational students totaling around 120 students.

Herbal medicine according to herbal experts from Universitas Airlangga Surabaya (UNAIR), Prof. Soeprapto Maat can be used for degenerative and infectious diseases. The existence of herbs can actually fill the space left by synthetic drugs. So when appropriate, herbal and synthetic can be used together without any adverse effects.

Herbal medicine according to herbal experts from Universitas Airlangga Surabaya (UNAIR), Prof. Soeprapto Maat can be used for degenerative and infectious diseases. The existence of herbs can actually fill the space left by synthetic drugs. So when appropriate, herbal and synthetic can be used together without any adverse effects.

This activity aims to share knowledge about the benefits of herbal medicine for the community. In this activity it can be concluded that there are quite a number of benefits from this herbal plant, including:

1. Eliminate body odor;
2. Kills viruses;
3. Lowering high blood pressure.
4. Cure inflammation of the gums;
5. Helps restore the menstrual cycle.
6. Reduce itching;
7. Relieves fever.

According to Anggy Giri Prawiyogi, M.Pd “Feeling happy and proud to be a speaker in the discussion event, and being able to share knowledge with local PT employees who produce herbal products that are nutritious and useful, even famous domestically and abroad from herbal plants. the”.

Furthermore, he also added “Love domestic products so that we become real residents”.


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